

How do you trust your girlfriend again?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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You hope she'll forgive you for whatever.

If the trust is broken by her cheating then you can either....

A) forgive her and move on, don't bring up the past again (you can't keep bringing it up, you just hurt yourself every time you start to relive the pain) as what's done is done and if you are still together then you have accepted this and have chosen to stay with the person who broke your trust.

B) Realize that once someone has broken your trust it is not likely that you are ever going to trust her again in a hurry, if ever, and move on to someone who will respect you enough to realize that you are worth more than someone who could be with someone else. Surely them cheating is a pretty good indication that they don't respect your feelings enough not to cheat on you the first place.

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Trust me its the presence of a woman. Try to start something up with her again and you'll quickly realize.

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