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Q: How do you unlock a Chevrolet Cavalier with a slim Jim?
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Slim Jim 2002 cavalier?

A 2002 Chevrolet Cavalier is very difficult to open without keys. In most cases, a locksmith is required. Even possessing a slim Jim is problematic because of the position of the lock in the door.

How do you unlock door with slim Jim 2003 dodge truck?

I how do you unlock the doorI locked my keys in the car if you have a slim jim where would you put it to open the door

Unlock door on Chevy Silverado without a slim Jim?

The easiest way to unlock a door on a Chevrolet Silverado pickup truck is to use a key. In the event you do not have the key you may have to break a window.

How do you unlock a 97 Ford Contour with slim Jim?

The old standard "Slim Jim" won't work on that vehicle.

How do you unlock a gran prix with a slim Jim?

The old style "slim jim" doesn't work on the newer vehicles.

How does a Slim Jim work?

The slim Jim is slid between the window and the weather stripping to unlock the latch system of most vehicles

How do you unlock a 96 Toyota Corolla with a slim Jim?

How do I open a 95 toyota corolla door with a slim jim? I NEED A ANSWER NOW!

How do you use a slim Jim on a 1996 Chevrolet Blazer?

While alone.

Unlock 2001 Ford Explorer?

go get a slim jim. or a hanger.

How do you unlock a 2000 grand prix with a slim Jim?

WHAAAT haha i almost just peed myself laughing! As far as I am aware, there is no way to unlock anything with a slim jim, besides obesity and dermatitis lololol

How do you slim Jim a 97 grand am?

When trying to unlock your 97 grand am by using a slim jim the first thing you want to decide is, do your locks go up and down or back and forth. This will tell you what direction you need to move the slim jim to get the car to unlock. The next thing you want to do is insert the slim jim under the rubber piece next to the door. Once you find the lock rod , move the slim jim in the direction your locks move.

How do you use a slim Jim to open the doors on a 2001 Chevy Silverado?

how do you unlock a 2006 Chevy silverado truck with a slim Jim? First, insert the slim Jim in between the door and the window. Next, feel around for the linkage bar that connects the lock to the door handle. Then you jiggle it forward to get it to unlock.