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What password? If you lost your Windows User Account Password, you may be able to circumvent it entirely by logging into the laptop with an administrator account and resetting your password. If you lost your BIOS settings password, you MAY be able to clear it out by shutting down the laptop, removing the power cords, removing the system batteries (all of them), and removing the CMOS Backup batter for 20 minutes or longer (so as to allow it to lose it's settings), then replace the CMOS battery, system batteries, and power cables. You will have to set the DATE and TIME, as well as device BOOT order, and any other settings specific to your computer. Make sure you look them over first if you can access them before clearing everythng out... If you lost your email or internet login passwords, you can check with the host company to have them reset, or sent to you... Hope that's been some help.

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It is possible to insert the CD and reinstall the OS, but reinstalling means loosing all the date which is on the laptop. Another possibility is to use Windows Password Unlocker.

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