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you could try getting something like a nail file and slotting it in the sides to get out any muck or gunk that might have gotten trapped in there - but be careful! You don't want to mess anything up with the guitar.

Alternatively, perhaps you could take apart the guitar and clean under it.

I can't think of any other reasons why the buttons would be stuck unless it's just a little dirty.


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Q: How do you unstck buttons on guitar for Guitar Hero?
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u cant play guitar hero without the GUITAR,geez retard!!! seeya! ABBY (=^-^=)

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As I am speaking from experience, I believe this is true! I was once challenged to a Guitar Battle on Guitar Hero by a friend who was a pianist. I am naturally a guitarist so you would expect me to have some kind of advantage. However, because Guitar Hero requires you to not look at the guitar while you play, you have to "guess" where the buttons are and hit them quickly. Therefore, playing guitar makes you worse at Guitar Hero.

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Guitar Hero III (Guitar Hero 3)

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