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I just wasted about 1/2 hour on this, so I figured I would share my findings. I spent 1/2 hour last night searching the web and got little help. I changed mt oil yesterday and by mistake left the key on the seat then locked the door. Mine was easier because its a 2001 1500 with manual locks, so I figured I could unlock it with things around the house. What worked was first a standard wood shim (like used when installing doors or cabinets). Break the shim in half, so you can use the thinnest edge to get in between the weather striping and window, then insert the thicker part between the shim and the window to open a gap. I found about 8 inches from the window edge worked good. I tried cutting a slim Jim from some flashing I had left over, but it was too thin, so I used a gun cleaning rod. I put an old cotton cleaning mop on the end (basically a wire wrapped in cotton), curled it into a 'U' so I could catch the edge. I entered the door 12 inches down at a 45 degree angle, and could hold one my thumb on the key hole while I moved the rod to know when I was at the right spot. It only took a gentle pull to open the lock. Next time it would probably take me only 5 minutes, since I know what I am doing. Overall it was pretty easy. Best of luck!

For manually locked trucks this is very easy. Carefully slide the slim Jim straight down from the inside lock post. Bend your slim Jim about two inches and place the slim Jim so that the bend is toward the inside of the cab. Watch the post and slide the slim Jim down until you see the post move. You should be right on top of it. If you push down you should see the post move downward as well. Move the slim Jim around gentle until you and get under the rod or whatever is down there and gentle move up and down, watching the post until it hit is just right and it comes up. The first time you do this it might take you about 5 minutes but if you can remember just how you did it, then it is only seconds. Hope this helps. I have done it twice on a Dodge Ram but actually it works the same for any manual lock.

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Yes, very carefully. As long as the wrapper is peeled only in a vertical manner, at least halfway down the slim Jim and always, Always remember to say "snap into a slim Jim". Good luck and let us know how it goes.

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