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Q: How do you use a slim Jim to unlock the door of a Chevy Colorado LS?
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How do you use a slim Jim to open the doors on a 2001 Chevy Silverado?

how do you unlock a 2006 Chevy silverado truck with a slim Jim? First, insert the slim Jim in between the door and the window. Next, feel around for the linkage bar that connects the lock to the door handle. Then you jiggle it forward to get it to unlock.

Unlock door on Chevy Silverado without a slim Jim?

The easiest way to unlock a door on a Chevrolet Silverado pickup truck is to use a key. In the event you do not have the key you may have to break a window.

How do you unlock door with slim Jim 2003 dodge truck?

I how do you unlock the doorI locked my keys in the car if you have a slim jim where would you put it to open the door

How do you unlock 1994 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme door without keys?

get a slim jim.

How do you unlock a 96 Toyota Corolla with a slim Jim?

How do I open a 95 toyota corolla door with a slim jim? I NEED A ANSWER NOW!

How do you open a 2003 Taurus when the battery is dead and the keys wont manually unlock?

Why will the key not unlock the door? If you are using the correct key it should unlock the door. Try both doors. If it will not work you need to call a locksmith to come and unlock the car door with a slim jim.

How do you slim Jim open a door on a 1991 Chevy Camaro?

Using a slim Jim is too tough, your chances of failure are greater. Use a push rod, (a long metal item to hit power lock buttons, or unlock it manually)Slip it through the passenger/driver window from the top corner of the window just past the door trim.

How do you open a gmc sonoma door without a key?

use a slim Jim , or wedge open the door a little bit and put a long rod in and push the door lock switch to unlock the door

How do you open a 1996 Mercedes C220 door without keys if they are locked in the car?

Call a locksmith to unlock the door or buy a slim Jim or Break cheapest window

Can you unlock a '96 Toyota Tacoma pickup with a slim Jim?

Probably: Slim Jims never seem to lose their ability to open any car door, even with the advances in locking devices.

How do you use a slim Jim on 2002 Ford Taurus?

A slim Jim tool is used on a 2002 Ford Taurus by inserting it between the windshield and door. It is used to unlock the vehicle when the keys are not present.

How do you unlock a 2003 Honda Civicwith a slim Jim when you have locked your keys inside?

Newer cars have a plastic shield over the lock mehanism inside the door to prevent using a slim jim.