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I have found that if sprinkled onto a sores and ulcers that diabetics suffer from it will deslough the wound in 24 hours! It also improves the blood circuculation to the wound! From Michael Lingwood Johannesburg 082 504 8327

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ettienne julies

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3y ago
can you use it if the wound is open
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2w ago

Bicarbonate of soda can be used in wound care as a homemade wound cleaning solution. To use it, you can mix a small amount of bicarbonate of soda with sterile water to create a mild antiseptic solution. Gently clean the wound with this solution to help prevent infection and promote healing. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before using any homemade remedies on wounds.

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Can you use bicarbonate of soda in hair?

Bicarbonate of soda can be used in hair as a clarifying treatment to help remove buildup of products and oils. It can be mixed with water to form a paste and applied to the scalp before shampooing. However, overuse of bicarbonate of soda can be drying to the hair and scalp, so it should be used sparingly.

Can my teeth fall if i use bicarbonate soda?

Using baking soda (bicarbonate soda) in moderation as a teeth whitening agent is generally considered safe. However, excessive or inappropriate use can lead to enamel erosion and ultimately tooth loss. It's important to consult with a dentist before using baking soda on your teeth to ensure it is done safely and effectively.

Does the manufacturing of baking soda use aluminum?

No, the manufacturing process of baking soda does not involve the use of aluminum. Baking soda is primarily composed of sodium bicarbonate and is produced through a chemical reaction that does not involve aluminum.

Will the use of bicarbonate of soda on the teeth harm them?

Using bicarbonate of soda to brush your teeth occasionally is considered safe, but frequent use can erode tooth enamel and lead to sensitivity. It's best to consult with a dentist before using it regularly to ensure it won't harm your teeth.

Can soda ash ie sodium carbonate be use instead of sodium bicarbonate in noodles process?

No, soda ash (sodium carbonate) should not be used instead of sodium bicarbonate in the noodles process. They have different chemical properties that can affect the texture and taste of the noodles. Sodium bicarbonate is commonly used as a leavening agent in noodles, while soda ash is not suitable for this purpose.

Related questions

Can you use laundry bicarbonate of soda to cook with?

you cannot cook with washing soda, it is totally different from bicarbonate of soda(baking soda)

Can you use bicarbonate soda instead of baking soda in a recipe?

No you Cant use Baking powder instead of bicarbonate of soda because if you put bicarbonate of soda into a cake mixture then you will get a very unpleasant taste !

Can you use baking soda where it says bicarbonate of soda?

yes yes

Can you use soda bicarbonate to whiten your teeth Is soda bicarbonate and baking soda the same?

Baking Soda IS bicarbonate of soda. It is one in the same. Arm & Hammer (the most popular brand of baking soda in the U.S.) list it's ingredient as sodium bicarbonate, it is nothing more than bicarbonate of soda.

Can you use bicarbonate soda in chocolate cake?

yes :)

Can use bicarbonate of soda and baking soda together?

Bicarbonate of soda and baking soda are the same thing. If you are referring to baking powder, please check the provided link which explains the difference between baking soda and baking powder, and what happens if you use them together.

Can you use baking powder where it says bicarbonate of soda?

big NO!

Can sodium bicarbonate solution be used in a nebulizer?

how much bicarbonate of soda should one use in a nebulizer

Why do recipes with dates include the use of bicarbonate of soda?

Bicarbonate of soda helps to soften the dates by breaking down the fibers, making them easier to blend or puree into the recipe. This process also helps to release natural sugars from the dates, which can enhance the sweetness of the dish.

How do you use baking soda to remove acids from organic extract?

Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate is a base compound. So it can be used to remove acidity.

Do you use bicarbonate of soda on calamari?

Some cooks do choose to use bicarbonate of soda as a tenderizer. Other ingredients used for tenderizing are buttermilk (requires an overnight soak), beer, or lemon juice.

How do you use bicarbonate of soda on the teeth do i use neat or with toothpaste?

you can use it by itself if you do not mind the taste