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Chemistry is everything. The computer you used to ask this question uses Chemistry in some way.

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Q: How do you use chemistry at work or home?
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How can I use chemistry at work or home?

Anytime you cook anything you are using chemistry.

How chemist use chemistry in there work?

They use it

HOW TO Prepare alum from scrap aluminum?

it is needed for the chemistry home work

Why would you use chemistry software?

You would use chemistry software if you feel you need assistance in your chemistry work, for examples such as drawing chemical structure designs. Chemistry software is often found useful by chemistry major students in college.

How does an artist use chemistry?

they use in in mixing the paint colors and the preciseness in their work and in developing the photographs!

What science skills do vets use at work?

Biology to work out what's wrong with the animal and Chemistry to work out the right medicine

What adjective would you use to describe someone who likes and dislikes a subject?

You could use "ambivalent", as in "He was ambivalent about Chemistry class - he hated chemistry lecture, but he loved the lab work."

What is relationship between home economics and chemistry?

There is a close relationship between home economics and chemistry. Home economics is the study of how people use and manage resources in the home and community. It includes the study of how people use and produce food, how they manage money, and how they care for themselves and their families. Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter, as well as the changes it undergoes. It is concerned with the substances that make up our world and the reactions between them. The two disciplines are closely related because home economics is concerned with the management of resources, and chemistry is concerned with the composition and properties of matter. Home economics requires an understanding of chemistry in order to manage resources effectively. For example, a home economist might need to understand the chemistry of food in order to plan nutritious meals, or the chemistry of cleaning products in order to choose the most effective and safe products for the home. Similarly, a chemist might need to understand the principles of home economics in order to develop new products or to advise on the most effective use of existing products.

What do you say that chemistry is alive at home?

why do we say that chemistry is alive at home mans industrial partner

What is the chemistry involved in preparation of home remedies?

Home remedies are very different. The chemistry involved depends on what the home remedy is.

Do a forensic toxicologist work with dead bodies?

Yes. They use toxicology, analytical chemistry, pharmacology, and clinical chemistry to aid medical and legal investigation of death.

Describe the relationships between pure chemistry and applied chemistry?

Pure chemistry is the use of formulas to come up with what SHOULD happen in an experiment. Because we live in an imperfect world, no experiment will work exactly as it is supposed to according to the equations. This is applied chemistry.