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"Infra" is commonly used as a prefix; derived from the latin "below" or "within."

As in the sentence: A careful examination of the infrastructure of the healthcare system will reveal its flaws.

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Q: How do you use infra in a sentence?
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Nobody invented infra-red or infra-red lights as such. Infra-red is radiant heat and is a natural phenomenon and is emitted by essentially all light sources. Infra-red devices with no visible light emissions, are, in their simplest form, radiant heaters. What was invented were ways to use IR for night-vision - often called image intensifiers.

What does the root word infra mean?

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Do remotes have microwaves in them?

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What is et infra in latin?

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When was Green Infra Limited created?

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Why do you see a white spot on the camera-display when you make a photo of a remote-control?

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