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Italicized words are correctly used for emphasis of a certain word or phrase within a sentence, or a certain sentence withing a paragraph, or to denote difference in speech, or to denote thoughts rather than speech, or when writing about a song or book or the like.

This sentence does not have italics. This sentence, on the other hand, does.

The only way the above sentences are different is that one has italics.

"I like pie," Mary said. But I don't really like pie...she thought afterward.

"I hate pie!!" screamed Mary, revealing the truth.

Right now I'm listening to the song Trouble, by Coldplay.

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Q: How do you use italicized words correctly?
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What does it mean when they use italicized word?

It means the words in italics are more important than other words.

How do you get words on your computer to not be italicized?

Ok, so you go to the top of your computer, you know, the tool bar. and you look for the button with the italicized word on it, and if you want your words to NOT be italicized, you click that button. if that does not work than i do not know what will :-)

Why there's no hot water What is the italicized word?

You have a misunderstanding about what the phrase "italicized word" means. A person can make ANY word italicized, to emphasize or draw attention to the word or words. In order to see what word or words is italicized, we would need to see the exact item you are seeing.

Why should readers pay special attention to words that are italicized?

Certain words are sometimes italicized while the words around them are not in order to make those words stand out as different. It can be for emphasis, or it can distinguish a title from the context it is mentioned in. Also, sometimes a word from another language may be italicized to show that it is different from the surrounding words.

How do you make words bold and underlined and italicized on HorseIsle?

To make words bolded, type [b] text you want bolded [/b]. To make words underlined, type [u] text you want underlined[/u]. To make words italicized, type [i] text you want underlined [/i].

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Milimeter and kilometer

Which sentence italicized words that are used as an infinitive phrase?

Mark wanted to go, but not today.

Should the name of a disease be italicized?

Not when you use its 'normal' name, like for instance flu, cancer or pneumonia. Only a disease's Latin name often is italicized.

How would you use the words map scale in a sentence?

our teacher taught us how to use the map scale correctly .

How does italicized appear?

Like this italicized text.

What are italicised words in the Bible?

Many Bibles use italicized words to mean different things. For example, in English, we have only one word for "love". In Greek, they had 4 different words for "love" and each has a distinct meaning. So, when it was translated to English, all four words were translated as "love". But, perhaps they used italics to mean one of the Greek "loves" and non-italicized to mean another.Look in the front of your Bible and it should give you an explanation for your specific version.

Marcus spelled 20 out of 25 words correctly Which faction of the words did he spell correctly Which faction of the words that he spelt incorrectly Raytee equivalent fractions for each?

If Marcus spelled 20 out of 25 words correctly then he spelled 80% of the words correctly.