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The pancakes were extremely spongy.

It's an adjective, so you use it to describe something, such as an object's texture or appearance.

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because it is

Is the spongy bone strong?

The spongy bone is strong but lightweight.

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Why is the stem of a desert plant spongy in nature?

because to absorb the water and take it for use later

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Endosteum tissue lines the openings in spongy bone.

What causes ABS brakes to be spongy?

ABS brakes are not spongy. If you have spongy brakes the reason is that there is air in the system. You need to have your brakes bled.

Is the compact bone spongy?

Actually the compact bone isn't spongy at all, the compact bone is a tough layer making the bone neither too rigid or too brittle. So the compact bone is not spongy. Spongy bone, like its name is spongy.

Is the spongy bone living or non living?

Spongy bone is living.

What is the spongy tissue surrounding the penis called?

The spongy stuff is called a foreskin.

What does spongy bone do and where is is found?

Spongy bone is found in the epiphysis part of bone

What is spongy bones?

Spongy bone contains bone marrow and is 'softer" in the center.