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Q: How do you use the move modifier?
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What is Pokemon modifier?

Pokemon modifier is what lets you switch what pokemon appear in the wild. You need action replay to use it on newer games.

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How do you use the move modifier. The code is in the AR DS system but then how do you make someone learn the move Do you Go to the heart scale person and its the first move but the one that you want?

Actually what you do is turn on the code press L + R and then go to the TM/HM section of your bag and one of the TMs (usually TM01) is that move until you turn off your DS system

What is the action replay code for Ho-oh?

Just use the Pokemon modifier

How to get a Ho-oh in Pokemon Diamond?

You can migrate it or use a AR code. (Pokemon modifier)

How do you get Lugia without all the work?

Its easy all you need is action replay and use the Pokemon modifier.

How do you get a code on action replay for all the legendarie dogs?

THere is no code for it. If you want them your going to have to use the Pokemon modifier

How do you get arceus need detail?

just get a Pokemon modifier code just get a Pokemon modifier code

What is the cheat code for the move modifier for the action replay?

10002990 00000000 09812389 e00abcde abcdefabc def11923 00127834 991ad99 09812348 4095866 abb4d28c 110364d 09184feb 01234550

Where can you get a level 70 moltress in Pokemon white?

You would have to trade with someone, transfer it, or use the Pokemon Modifier Action Replay code.

How do you get Dialga in Pokemon pearl?

You can't unless you use Pokemon Modifier cheat on Action Replay or trade with a person who has Pokemon Diamond.

How do you find Pokemon modifier in Pokemon emerald?

there is a modifier but i dont know the exact codes!good lock on finding them