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Dab a bit on a cotton swab and gently wipe over your face.

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Q: How do you use the witch hazel on your face?
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Related questions

Do witch hazel kills bacteria?

Witch Hazel is a astringent. It cleans and kills all of the bacteria on your face. It is found in most face toners.

Can you use witch hazel for dry skin?

I have very dry and sensitive skin and would not recommend using witch hazel. I used it several days in a row and developed an itchy rash on my face.

Witch hazel save to use with pregnancy?

yes witch hazel is perfectly safe to use during pregnancy.

Is alcohol free witch hazel better?

witch hazel is used as an alternative, more mild approach to alcohal. rubbing alcohal burns very badly, where witch hazel doesn.t but as far as antiseptic, and cleansing power, alchohal wins. witch hazel is nice for kids, who hate the burning feeling. but for an astringent or to be used on your face, witch hazel is the best.

Hindi for witch hazel?

witch hazel

Can you use witch hazel for hair?

You can use witch hazel for your hair and in fact it will help remove any chemical residue from your hair. It is important to rinse the hair carefully afterwards with warm water, the witch hazel will act as a follicle astringent.

How do you use witch-hazel in a sentence?

Witch hazel is an astringent that is used for a number of purposes. Specifically, it can be used as a face wash, a burn reliever, and a cut and wound cleanser. An example of this term used in a sentence would be, "Dana recommends witch hazel to all her friends, it cleared up her acne and soothed the burn she received while curling her hair."

How do some people use witch hazel?


Can you use witch hazel to clean your ears?

Yes you can

Is Witch Hazel good to use to get rid of small red pimples on your bottom?

Check out this site, they explain the uses for witch hazel. I am not sure about witch hazel but I know rubbing alcohol would work. The rubbing alcohol will just dry them out and get rid of them.

What is the formula for witch hazel?

what is the name of witch hazel in pakistan? Tahir

Is witch hazel good for acne?

Witch hazel is a very good product! I have mild acne that is very annoying. I use witch hazel in the night and in the morning after I scrub my face. Witch hazel uses its power to dry acne out. So I got a pack of scrub brushes that take the dry acne off. NEVER pick it off. Hope this helps.