


Eczema is a skin condition where the skin becomes swollen, itchy and irritated. There are different types of eczema and the best way to manage it is through a proper consultation with a dermatologist.

215 Questions

How is multiple chemical sensitivity treated by doctors?

Treatment for multiple chemical sensitivity is focused on identifying and avoiding triggers, managing symptoms with medications like antihistamines or corticosteroids, and addressing any underlying conditions that may be contributing to the symptoms. Cognitive behavioral therapy and other forms of counseling may also be beneficial in helping patients cope with the condition. It is important to work closely with a healthcare provider to develop a personalized treatment plan.

What type of pathogen is eczema?

Eczema is not a pathogen itself, but a skin condition characterized by inflammation and irritation. However, eczema can be exacerbated by certain pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi that infect the damaged skin barrier.

Is eczema a homeostatic imbalance of the integumentary system?

Eczema is a common inflammatory skin condition, but it is not a homeostatic imbalance of the integumentary system. It is characterized by itchy, red, and inflamed skin patches and is believed to result from a combination of genetic and environmental factors, rather than a disruption in the body's overall internal balance.

Why do nice people suffer?

Nice people may suffer due to unforseen circumstances, the actions of others, or simply bad luck. Being nice does not provide immunity from life's challenges, but it can help in coping and resilience during difficult times. It's important for nice people to prioritize self-care and seek support when needed.

Is aloe vera good for eczema?

If you have eczema (atopic dermatitis), you might feel like you've tried everything to stop the itch and moisturize your skin. This can be tricky since a lot of skincare products have ingredients that trigger flare-ups. This is why aloe vera can be so helpful. Aloe vera may have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal properties that can soothe irritation and prevent infection in really dry skin. Plus, people have used aloe vera to heal and soothe irritated skin for centuries.

How do you treat pet eczema?


I used to have it, but my mom put a lotion on me called Ucerine, and I took alot of oatmeal baths, which are just a regular bath but you put oat meal in the water and wash your self with it.

Can hydrocortisone be used in and the nose?

No, hydrocortisone is not to be used internally including nose, eyes, and mouth.

Is witch hazel good for eczema?

Yes, Witch Hazel is incredibly good for eczema. I bought a bottle the other day for facial skin toning, and when I read the bottle and saw that it cleansed and toned skin, I thought I'd give it a try on my eczema. The itching subsided almost instantly, and over the last three days my eczema has cleared up excessively. I find that applying it as soon as itching begins stops the itching immediately. Once I found this I looked it up and actually found many sites that say it is useful for eczema. I wish my doctor had reccommended it instead of the many expensive, useless products he did, for it would have saved alot of embarrassment, pain and scarring for many years.

Will Benadryl cream help eczema?

Yes you can use topical benadryll ointment for bug bites. If your dog ever has a severe allergic reaction you may also use a small dose of the children's liquid benedryll. Contact your vet for dosing instructions for your dog in particular.

Can you get eczema on your feet?

yes eczema can appear anywhere on the body. it is not as common on the feet but can appear there. eczema on feet is similar to athletes foot, it's not but is very similar.

Can you get eczema in your mouth?

yes actually you can! I have had severe eczema since I was a kid, most of it has been kept at bay at the mo, touchwood! But I do have eczema on the edge of my lips and it is really irritating! :(

What about treatment of eczema on the scalp of the head?

It is pretty much the same condition of eczema, but it is located on your scalp. It can be difficult to treat, but I have an amazing organic solution to this. I highly recommend using Argan oil. It is an amazing natural oil that had been used by the Berber women in Morocco for hundreds of years for its skin healing, skin nourishing, and skin moisturizing properties.

Argan Oil is very rich in:

* Vitamin F (omega 6): anti- aging and anti-dryness of skin * Vitamin E: A powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory for sensitive skin, UV protection, and aids in cutaneous micro-circulation. Also neutralizes free radicals * Phenols: antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, powerful against fungus and bacteria, activates blood circulation and activates Vitamin C * Triterpens: restructure cells, is anti-inflammatory and slows down cell aging * Squalene: suggested to prevent against skin cancer

Does semen help relieve or cure eczema?

Maybe there should be trials conducted? Unfortunately I've no access to a horse.

Can eczema spread to other people?

No it can't spread to others, but it can spread to other areas of the body.

Why eczema would be contra indicated sometimes to appying makeup and not others?

A number of reasons. During a flareup the skin should not have steam or warm steamed towels. The water should be luke warm. Fragrances should be avoided. Most products used for facials have fragrance or essential oils added. Also, the movement can irritate the skin further causing additional areas to become affected or worsen the areas that already are affected.

The plural and singular noun of eczema?

The plural and singular form of eczema remains as 'eczema'.

'Eczma' is a mass noun, thus doesn't really have a plural. E.g 'I have eczma.' 'All my family has eczma'.

Does tobacco affect eczema?

It is imporbable that a causal relationship between smoking and eczema could be found. Cigarette smoke has a number of nasty chemicals in it, and they can create some severe challenges for the body to overcome. But it is highly unlikely that eczema is caused by smoking.

Eczema is a skin disorder, and it isn't just "one thing" but describes a range or a number of forms of dermatitus. That makes diagnosis and treatment a bit more of a challenge. Finding a cause can also be tough. Sufferers are frequently reduced to simply treating symptoms as a "best solution" to the problem. Certainly any medical issues are best taken up with a professional care provider. Best of luck with any and all health decisions.

Eczema us usually caused by and allergic reaction within the body. Studies have shown that, when smoking was removed from body for enough time, the signs of Eczema have depleted and fully healed.

What is a good hypoallergenic product range for eczema?

You should basically use products free from all dyes & all perfumes. (if soaking in the tub, use Robathol, sold over the internet, instead of bubble bath) For bathing, Basis Soap is excellent (sold at Wal-Mart & Walgreens) For lotion, Fragrance Free Curel is excellent (also Vanicream but it is only sold at Dermatologist's offices or over the internet) For laundering X-Tra Detergent, perfume free, dye free, is my only choice, it is very inexpensive & works should also ALWAYS double rinse your clothes before drying & avoid fabric softeners (when traveling I always take along my own towels & wash cloths as the detergents hotels use contain bleach & they also use fabric softener, and all of my relatives & friends use fabric softeners, etc.) For clothing, wear as much 100% cotton as you can, avoid nylons, polyesters, rayons, & wool, this is even important for things like underwear, bras & socks! Try to wear as little make-up as possible, try fragrence free deoderant, go bare-foot as often as possible, wear a light powder to absorb moisture from sweaty areas. Hope that helps some? :)

How do you treat mild eczema?

Eczema is typically treated with a cream to soothe the area of skin that is irritated. However, if it is caused by an underlying issue, the doctor may treat that with other medications.

Can tattoos cause eczema?

i think it really depends on how bad it is, if its so bad it cant be kept under control i'd say don't do it, I've had eczema since i was a baby and its been bad for months then fine for months its usually easy enough to prevent flare ups by finding triggers and avoiding them.I currently have four and can honestly say eczema affects them, only one is in an area not prone to flare ups and that's undoubtably my best. i have both wrists tattooed and its been hell getting them to heal with my eczema they're still not healed and its been 4 months.I think you can get tattoos with ecsema but you'd be better off getting them in awkward places like your back or stomach.You'll need to look after them longer and be more careful and be prepared for fading if you use a steroid cream.Hope i helped!!

Where do you get eczema?

You can acquire eczema through genes, so if a member of your family has had or has eczema, you may have a chance of getting it.

Another factor is the food you eat. Nuts, dairy products, wheat, seafood, and acidic fruits are known triggers of eczema.

For more information on eczema, check the Sources and related links section below.

Can proactiv help eczema?

it depends what type of eczema you have.. if it is a light eczema then u will probaably use that but if its a heavy eczema then u might wanat to try something like a Natural Emu Oil Eczema Cream

How do I treat severe eczema on a child who has it from head to toe?

Do NOT use store bought soap with all its additives and preservatives. Use natural soap with honey, oats and calendula since all those have healing properties like the one we make at What is more is it has shea butter to seal in moisture. My sons eczema is actually the reason we started making soap in the first place. Since we have been using the calendula soap he hasn't had an outbreak and we don't even have to use lotion anymore! Good luck!