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There is nothing you can do. In reality, if he really loved you, he wouldn't have left you just because you can't have kids. So, he doesn't love you. Don't accept a sentence of a life with hurt. Have you two discussed adoption, or a surrogate mother? Don't even let this guy back into your life as he just gave you the biggest rejection of your life without considering your feelings. All women (whether they choose to have children or not) hope they can have children as it's part of being a woman and that nagging feeling within most women of giving birth and becoming a mother. He rejected you in the worst way a man could. That's not love! Many young men wouldn't hesitate to raise a child a woman may already have, or, if he and his girlfriend know they can't have children for one reason or another there is adoption and involving a surrogate mother as the other poster mentioned. This guy is a loser and full of himself. Producing children doesn't make a woman lacking in other things a true woman and the same rings true for men!

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Q: How do you win back your boyfriend of four years who has left you because you can't have children?
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