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Since you admitted you provoked the fight and still need to ask this question then you have no remorse except to save your own butt! If you still have your job and are allowed on the premises then apologize to the person you provoked and then walk into your boss' office and let them know you have apologized (mean it) and deeply apologize for your actions and it won't happen again. Face up to what you have done and don't hide behind a letter! If you have no other recourse, but to write a letter then tell them that you are extremely sorry for provoking the fight and have no excuses, but are willing to apologize to the person you provoked as well as apologize to management and it won't happen again. You'd better mean what you say and learn a thing or two from this outburst. If you have anger issues then get counseling! If you decide to get counseling then say that in your letter.

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Q: How do you write a letter of explanation for provoking a fight within company premises?
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