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Some, but not all, supervisors use their e-mail address in the format of [username] @ (no spaces). If the username has a dash or space in it that character should be replaced with a period in the e-mail address. Alternatively, you may message them on their message board with your e-mail address or ask for their e-mail address if they are comfortable sharing it. Message boards are in the format of[username]

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Related questions

How do you write an email to supervisor expressing concerns?

You can either message supervisors, or you can email them. Also some supervisors have their email addresses on their bio pages.

How do you write the email to WikiAnswers saying you want to be a Supervisor?

E-mail WikiAnswers at WikiAnswers @ (remove the spaces) if you want to become a Supervisor.

How does a Floating Supervisor become a Category Supervisor?

If a floating supervisor wishes to become a category supervisor, they can apply in the same way that a non-supervisor would, by sending an email to the appropriate email address.

Why do you need to add your email address when you apply to become a supervisor on WikiAnswers?

Supervisor applicants are contacted via email, so providing a valid email address is crucial.

Why do you have to email Supervisor at if you want to be a Supervisor?

Emailing applications to the Supervisor email address organizes all the applications in one place, allows the conversation about becoming a Supervisor, or alternates to becoming a Supervisor, to take place in private, and if someone else takes over promoting users, most of the applications are not on a person's specific message board or on a specific person's email.

How can you get a WikiAnswers email account?

You get a WikiAnswers email account by becoming a Supervisor on WikiAnswers.

Who responds to WikiAnswers emails?

The Community Assistant team reply to emails sent to the WikiAnswers addresses. If you email a specific Supervisor, the Supervisor themselves will reply to the email.

How can you become a Supervisor on WikiAnswers if you do not have access to email?

You cannot become a Supervisor without a valid email address. However, if you need an email address you can sign up for one for free at sites such as, and others.

How do you contact a supervisor to complain about the removal of questions?

You can write on a supervisor's message board if you want to talk to him or her, but if you have a dispute, writing to the Community Advisor email address (communityadvisor @ is your best bet. The people who get those emails will work to resolve any disputes with users or a supervisor, and explain our rules or terms of use where necessary.

Who do you eMail to become a supervisor?

Try any supervisor, they can examine your activity and if they believe it is good enough they will recommend you. If the supervisor you contact does not want to do this they can tell other supervisors.

Can you become a supervisor if you do not have an email address?

I'm Afraid NotThat is, unfortunately, not possible; in order for the admins of the site to be in contact with a potential supervisor, an email address is mandatory. (See Related question.)

Do you have to say where you live to become a supervisor?

No, you don't. But you do need an email address.