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dont put a period

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Q: How do you write an infinitive sentence?
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What part of speech is the word how in the sentence I know how to write.?

In this kind of sentence, "how" is usually considered an adverb, modifying the verb infinitive "to write".

What is the difference between a 'bare infinitive' and a 'full infinitive'?

This probably refers to the absence or presence of the infinitive marker "to." In the sentence "I must go" the infinitive ( "go") lacks the marker, while in the sentence "I want to go" the infinitive has it.

You met at the park to run. What role does the infinitive phrase play in this sentence?

The infinitive phrase plays the role of an adverb in this sentence. It tells why you met at the park. In the sentence "You met at the park to run", "to run" is the infinitive phrase.

Can a sentence end with an infinitive?

Yes, a sentence can end with an infinitive. For example, "I asked him to help."

What kind of sentence is it to request something?


What is the infinitive in she used a bookmark to keep her place?

The infinitive in this sentence is "to keep." It is the base form of the verb "keep."

What is an objective infinitive?

In the sentence I want to open the can, can is the object of the verb "to open."The verb is "want." "To open the can" is an infinitive phrase, serving as the direct object of "want." The infinitive itself is "to open." "Can" is the object of the infinitive.

Is it grammatically correct to write 'into' as one word or should it be 'in to'?

Write into as one word. It is one preposition and should be treated as such. If perhaps in some strange sentence, the word to was part of an infinitive, then the in and the to would be separate. Maybe someone could figure out such a sentence but it would be difficult.

What is the infinitive phrase in the sentence you are happy to finish your test?

"to finish your test" is the infinitive phrase.

What infinitive pharse is in this sentence Zoe was glad to finish mowing the yard?

finish the complete infinitive phrase is "to finish mowing the yard".

What is the infinitive phrase in this sentence. Dianne ran away to join the circus.?

The infinitive phrase is "to join the circus" (an adverbial phrase).

What is the function of an infinitive phrase in a sentence?

noun, adjective, and adverb