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Q: How do zoos care for animals and mimic their environment?
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Related questions

What percent of animals are kept in zoos?

All animals in zoos die eventually. There is no repatriation program worth mentioning.

Why should you like zoos?

Zoos educate people about wild animals and their care. They also take in and/or rehabilitate animals that have been injured, or care for animals that would not survive in the wild.

What are the bad things of zoos written like a conclusion?

Some people view zoos as bad because they feel animals are detained. Some zoos are no trained properly to care for the animals they own. Zoos who provide proper medical care, proper diets, and proper living facilities are safe for the animals. Some zoos actually house many injured animals, and care for the ones who could never be returned to the wild.

How do animals in zoos get taken care of and fed?

zoo keepers

Do zoos in china and India abuse their animals?

As with all places, it depends on the zoo. There are zoos that take good care of their animals, and some that are wicked.

Do zoos only care about money instead of animals?


Are animals well fed in zoos?

it depends on the zoo but, generally, zoos in the US take very good care of their animals.

Is it correct to stop the freedom of the animals bysending them to a zoo?

It is not correct to limit the freedom of animals by trapping them in zoos. However, I do recommend using open zoos with the same environment that animals used to live in.

Do animals in zoos go crazy?

That's kind of a biased way of phrasing the question. Some animals in some zoos do begin to exhibit behavioral disorders. Good zoos work hard to provide the animals with a comfortable, engaging environment to minimize the chances of this happening, but not all zoos are good zoos and some animals are more sensitive than others.

Zoos should be banned?

That depends on your opinion, but good zoos do provide opportunities for education and also they help endangered species grow back. Bad zoos, where they use the animals only for entertainment, are cruel and should be banned, but good zoos have their uses.

Are zoos good in what they do?

No they are horrible they torture their animals and don't give them the care that they need

What are 5 good main points to support an essay of how zoos are helpful to animals and us?

Zoos are helpful to animals and humans because the animals get good care. Humans are entertained and it allows us to do research on animals.