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Q: How does Aquarius get its air and power?
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What is the element of Aquarius January 25?

The element of Aquarius is air.

What are air signs?

Air signs main focus is communication, intellect, logic and ideas. The air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.

Is Aquarius a wind or water sign?

Despite the symbol for the sign being a water-bearer, Aquarius is an air sign; characterized by having an intellectual, logical manner.

What does the zodiac sign for an Aquarius mean?

The Zodiac Sign for Aquarius is the Water Bearer as Aqua means water. Aquarius, however, is an air element.

What element is an Aquarius?

Air. (To do with the intellect.) >> Surely water? The word 'Aquarius' means 'water carrier'. << The water in Aquarius is symbolic of knowledge, especially intuitive.

Does Lucy Heartfilia gain Aquarius's water power?

She does; tho its not just an aquarius power. Its a power that works with all of her zodiac keys. Im not sure of all the details about it.

What does Aquarius have?

They are friendly and helpful. Aquarius archetype also is compassionate and honest. Aquarius is an air sign. It is intelligent and independent. Aquarius archetype is original and independent. Also, Aquarius is unique. Some Aquarius may be contrary sometimes. The archetype of Aquarius can easily let go of obsolete things, and they don't let their emotions about it interrupt them.

Is Aquarius a fish?

No. Aquarius, aka the water bearer, is an Air sign and is representd by a man pouring water from a jar.

Are Aquarius men and Pisces women compatible?

yes they are because they are both water signsFalse Aquarius is not a water sign it is an air sign but the symbol for Aquarius is a water bearer.

What are the star signs are the element air?

Libra, Aquarius, Gemeni!

What is the for Libra's?

its the scales. but the element is Air. as well as Aquarius and Gemini.

What sign is a person born on February 13?

aquarius Born between January 20-February 18, The Ruler is Uranus, The Symbol is "The Water Bearer" , The Element is Air, and Aquarius is often thought of as a humanitarian sign.