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Atticus is surprised and concerned to find Dill hiding in Scout's room as he had no idea Dill was there. He quickly assesses the situation and ensures Dill is safe before addressing the situation with both children.

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He was worried.

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Q: How does Atticus feel finding dill in scouts room?
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He felt like he was a burden to his parents and that they didnt really love that's when he got so caught up that he was being a burden and he just ran away he couldn't take not feeling loved to that is why he ran to scout and jems house because he knew he would feel love and given attention.

What makes dill feel ill at the end of the chapter To Kill a Mockingbird?

In the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird," Dill feels ill at the end of the chapter because he is upset by the injustice of Tom Robinson's trial and the verdict. The emotional weight of the trial and witnessing the racism in the courtroom takes a toll on Dill, causing him to feel physically unwell.

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The death of the narrator's mother in "To Kill a Mockingbird" affected Scout by making her feel more connected to her father, Atticus, and brother, Jem, as they navigated the challenges of their lives without her. It also deepened Scout's understanding of loss and empathy for others who were suffering. Additionally, the absence of her mother contributed to shaping Scout's identity and independence as she grew up.

What is the root conflict dill has with his family To kill a mockingbird?

Dill feels neglected by his parents, who prioritize their own social lives over spending time with him. This leads Dill to seek attention and connection with the Finch family, where he feels more welcomed and understood.

How did jem feel about Atticus after the dog incident?

Jem was angry at the dog because the dog was a sign of racism.

How does atticus' feel children's questions should be answered . Give an example?

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