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That it was none of Gandalf's business. It was his ring and he could do what he wanted with it.

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Q: How does Bilbo react when Gandalf reminds him that he has had the ring for too long?
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How does Bilbo change as he travels home?

Bilbo travels with Gandalf and Beorn to the long north pass around Mirkwood. Then they stay at Beorn's house for the winter. Then Gandalf and Bilbo travel to Rivendell, there Bilbo gets medical attention. Then Gandalf and Bilbo travel the long way to the Hobbit lands.

How long elapsed between Bilbo's departure from the shire and Gandalf's return to test the ring?

Approximately 16.5 years, from 22 September 3001 to 12 April 3018

How old is Bilbo in the Lord of the Rings?

The Maia itself, known to us as Gandalf, is older than the world. In the shape of Gandalf he arrived in the Grey Havens in Middle-earth about the year 1000 of the Third Age. He is killed in that form on 25th January 3019 T.A., and returns to it on 14th February. Gandalf leaves Middle-earth in autumn 3021 T.A., and from then on nothing more is known about him. So we do not reliably know how long he keeps being bound to his "Gandalf" form, or which form he chooses to generally use.As you can see, we cannot say how long "Gandalf the White" lasted beyond the 2 1/2 years before he left. Unless you mean the "Gandalf" form overall, which would then be at least a thousand years, or the actual spirit/being regardless of form, which would be older then the created world/universe.

How long do Bilbo and Gandalf stay at Rivendell in chapter 19 in The Hobbit?

Until the end of The Return of the King, when he went to the Undying Lands with the elves and Frodo.

How long does Bilbo stay at the last Homely House in the book the Hobbit?

It does not give a precise length of time on their way out, but looks like 17 days based on the conversations. They left on Midsummer's Day. On the way back home with Gandalf he spends a week there.

How long has a Bilbo been alive?

Bilbo was born September 22nd, 1290 in Shire reckoning.

What does beorn do to see whether Gandalf is telling the truth?

Gandalf proves to be a very good manipulator when talking to Beorn because of how he brings the Dwarves in at very high points in the story. He does this so Beorn would stay interested in the story. I hope this answered your question:)

How were the eagles a great help in the battle in the hobbit?

Because he is a friend of Gandalf's. Long ago Gandalf found the Lord of the Eagles wounded and near death, but Gandalf saved him, therefore the Lord of the Eagles was forever loyal to Gandalf.

How long do biolbo and Gandalf stay a rivendell?

17 days

Why does Bilbo give up the arkenstone in chapter 16 of the hobbit?

Bilbo never intended to keep the Arkenstone. He only took it because he saw the feverish greed that overtook the Dwarves when the saw their long lost treasure. Knowing how badly Thorin coveted the Arkenstone, Bilbo kept it and later used it to bargain for his share of the treasure (which he intended to share with Bard and Thranduil). What it revealed was that deep at heart, Bilbo was a good person and only wanted to do what was right. It was why Gandalf was drawn to him in the first place.

Why did the dwarves develop a new respect for Bilbo Baggins?

He finally proved himself worthy to them, showing that Bilbo could actually get away from the goblins. Before they all thought he was incapable to go on an adventure and get all the gold ,therefore they have a good opinion on him.

What is a good summary of Chapter 6 of 'The Hobbit'?

Bilbo finds the dwarfs and Gandalf and they run from the wolves and goblins, only to be trapped in some trees. When they almost get burned out of the them, the giant eagles swoop down and carry them off to safety. After a long flight, they find themselves in the eagle's aerie and cook themselves dinner on the top of the mountain.