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Q: How does Boolean logic gates help with the internet?
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Why do you need to express logic functions using Boolean descriptions?

Boolean algebra is a mathematical method used to describe the behavior and operation of digital logic. Boolean descriptions and relationships can help us design logic and predict the behavior of more complex digital systems.

Why logic gates are called logic gates?

Logic Gates are electronic building blocks of a digital system. Their physical manifestation may take any form, but essentially a logic gate consists of a collection of binary digits and a set of rules where such digits are combined to give a resulting set of binary digits. The rules that are implemented by logic gate are of the fundamental Boolean Algebraic Operations. Logic gates may be coupled together so that digital input to a system produces a predetermined digital output. It is a logical set of rules. The concept of digital information flowing into a system through an electronic pathway coveys a perception that gave someone the idea of a gate when this was named long ago.

Why in computer or in any other digital circuit design the help of boolean algebra is used?

Boolean algebra is used in logic circuits. Using And, Nor, Xor and Nand gates to determine the state of an output, dependant on the condition of various inputs. Or, if you like, to make a fixed decision based on the inputs. When designing a logic circuit, it is easy to get confused by too many steps in the process to get the answer that you want. By using Boolean algebra, the steps can be rationalised and reduce to the minimum number of steps, before committing to a finished physical circuit.

What is the definition of universal gate?

universal gates are the ones from which we can design other gates also. for eg. NAND and NOR gates. they help in forming the uniformity in the circuits.

What are three gates that are used to implement AOL logic?

AND gate, INVERTER gate and OR gate. Hope this would help.

When did Bill Gates invent Microsoft?

April 4, 1975

What are Boolean algebra rules?

need help to simplify boolean expression

Difrance between ic and ttl?

ic refers to integrated circuits and ttl refers to transistor transistor logic. ttl is a family which provides the basic or former structure of logic gates for example different logic gates such as NAND,NOR etc can be made out with the help of transistors connected in a specific manner. integerated circuits are the combination of logic gates presented on a base with equal number of input pins . for example IC-7408 contains 14 pins

How nand gate acts as a universal gate?

A universal gate is a gate which can implement any Boolean function without need touse any other gate type.The NAND and NOR gates are universal gates.In practice, this is advantageous since NAND and NOR gates are economical andeasier to fabricate and are the basic gates used in all IC digital logic families.In fact, an AND gate is typically implemented as a NAND gate followed by aninverter not the other way around!!Likewise, an OR gate is typically implemented as a NOR gate followed by an inverternot the other way around!!A universal gate is a gate which can implement any Boolean function without need touse any other gate type.The NAND and NOR gates are universal gates.In practice, this is advantageous since NAND and NOR gates are economical andeasier to fabricate and are the basic gates used in all IC digital logic families.In fact, an AND gate is typically implemented as a NAND gate followed by aninverter not the other way around!!Likewise, an OR gate is typically implemented as a NOR gate followed by an inverternot the other way around!!can be combined to produce AND, OR,NOT,XORand XNOR gates

What is the advantage of simplification of boolean expression?

It will help us to In SOP standard form, every variable in the domain must appear in each term. This form is useful for constructing truth tables or for implementing logic in PLDs.

How does math help you with logic?

math basically IS logic.

What is AOI logic?

AOI logic is the implementation of combinational logic. AOI stands for the three basic types of gates used in combinational which are AND gate, OR gate, and INVERTER gate; and are used in the designing of circuits and building digital logic boards. If you're in high school your local career and technology center should have a semester long Project Lead the Way class called Digital Electronics where you can learn everything and more about AOI logic. And some of the worksheets I did that will help you learn this are available through google, so look up" -1.2.3 circuit theory simulation -1.3.2 sequential logic - 2.1.3 truth tables & logic expressions -2.1.6a boolean and DeMorgans's theorems and 2.1.7 DeMorgan's Theorems just to see what the AOI characters look like (Inverter is triangle w/ circle, AND is the rectangle with one end rounded, and the OR is like the AND only it tapers at the front and is concave at the back).