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Buddhists believe once you die you will come back to life and it depends on your past life on how your next life will turn out. e.g. if you were a bad person and didnt lead a good life then die you will come back as something bad like a homeless person.

The Buddhist concept of "soul" differs somewhat from the Abrahamic faiths which see the soull as some sort of little person or package of a persons experiences and personality.

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Q: How does Buddhism explain karma and rebirth without a soul?
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Some of the shared beliefs of Buddhism and Hinduism are rebirth and Karma

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The most important belief in Buddhism is the belief in the enlightenment of the Buddha. There are many other beliefs like, rebirth , law of karma, different realms of existence, etc

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The three sources os spiritual direction for Hinduism are :karma reincarnation rebirth.

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Hinduism has no special symbol for 'karma'. However, in buddhism, the 'wheel' is the symbol of karma.

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= Hinduism believes in karma but karma does not mean rebirth. =

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What is the concept of rebirth?

The concept of rebirth is the belief that an individual's consciousness or soul is born again in a new form after death. It is central to many Eastern religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, where it is seen as a part of the cycle of birth, death, and reincarnation known as samsara. Rebirth is often believed to be influenced by one's actions, thoughts, and karma in past lives.

Which two believe in karma?

The people who believe in reincarnation and karma are the Hindus and people in the Buddhism religion.

Use karma in a sentence?

Karma is being caught in the cycle of birth and rebirth, or reincarnation. Your karma decides where you will be in your next life, or how much enlightenment you will reincarnate with. - "Bad karma will sow bad futures."

Which Religion believed in the law of karma?

Buddhism & Hinduism

What does a good karma person bring?

rebirth into a higher caste in the caste system