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Q: How does Coconut oil help a poison ivy rash should it only be used later during healing stage?
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Can you go tanning with poison ivy?

Avoid exposure to the sun. Sun exposure may cause scaring in healing tissue. So you can go out, but keep it covered.

What should be the acid value of coconut oil?

The acid value of coconut oil should be approximately 1.0 - 2.0%. Coconut oil can be found in most grocery stores.

How many ounces of coconut are in a can of Baker's Angel Flake coconut?

One small can of Bakers coconut is 3.5 ounces.

How much coconut is in a can of Baker's Angel Flake Coconut?


What not to do after healing from a collapsed lung?

People who are healing from a collapsed lung should not exercise. They should stay calm and relaxed and not get over excited.

Is coconut juice bad for the cough?

It should be I think, if you're talking about coconut MILK, then yes. If your talking about coconut WATER, then no. Although dont take the risk and ignore this answer.

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Should you eat a poison dart frog?

No. You should not.

Is it safe to have coconut water daily during pregnancy?

Yes, Coconut has proved to be a safe staple food in many island areas. The only fruit or nut I can think of that should be avoided eating very much of is Papayas and soybeans (soy has lots of estrogens, and can interfere with sexual development). But coconut would probably be very beneficial. Coconut is very anti fungal: this would help prevent yeast infection; and all the healthy fats should help your baby's mental health as well as your own.

Should you eat poison?

ofcorse !

What happens if you go too deep on a tattoo?

You scar the area naturally, and the ink will fall out during the prolonged healing time. This should not happen if you know what you are doing.

Is coconut bad for dogs?

No! Just the opposite; Coconut is safe for dogs to eat and provides them with essential minerals. Some other healthy foods for dogs include; Eggs and fish are fantastic protein food for dogs. You should never give you dog chocolate, onions & grapes.