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Q: How does Exercise help alcohol metabolize faster?
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How do you get alcohol out of your urine fast?

There isn't anything you can do to speed up the amount of time it takes for alcohol to leave your system. Your body can metabolize about 1oz per hour. You can not sober up any faster then it takes your body to get rid of the alcohol. Drink lots of water, and it will help dilute your urine.

Why can't red blood cells metabolize fat?

Because their main job is to transport gases for respiration: carbon dioxide and oxygen. When you exercise your red blood cells help you metabolize fat by burning calories, but they themselves do not metabolize fat.

When your cells metabolize food what do they need to help them do the job?

Cells need ATP to help them metabolize food

How does exercise help veins function?

Heart beats faster therefore circulating blood faster.

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helps you keep up and move faster with workout

Does alcohol help get marijuana out of your system?

Drinking alcohol does not help get weed out of your system any faster than drinking water does. Just drink a bunch of water and it will get it out fast.

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What can drinks do?

Drinks can help you to rehydrate after you exercise. It can also cause diseases (e.g. drinking too much alcohol).

What can I do to help prevent getting osteoporosis?

You can avoid smoking and excessive alcohol and engage in regular weight-bearing exercise.

How does removing alcohol help lose weight?

Alcohol causes weight gain and therefore, by eliminating it from your diet, you will stop gaining the pounds from the said alcohol. However, if you do not exercise and have a balanced diet, you will not lose weight from eliminating alcohol.

Does exercise help a migrain?

I wouldn't have thought so. Exercise will get your blood moving faster, and may make the migrain worse. The best thing to do is rest/sleep in a darkened room.

What makes you fall asleep faster any tips?

There are some medicines that help people fall asleep faster. Another tip is getting plenty of exercise which may tire you out.