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King John of England needed money, but often broke the law. The nobles who would loan King John the money forced him to sign the Magna Carta in 1215. The Magna Carta established parliament to make laws, that the crown could not seize property and could not tax unless council of prominent men agreed), that they could not be put on trial based solely on an official's word and without witnesses, and that they could only be punished by a jury of peers. Essentially the Magna Carta was a document between the nobles and the King.

john Locke said that everyone was equal and had inalienable rights. These were Life, Liberty, and Property. He built on Rousseau's idea of the social contract by saying that the government could take freedoms to establish a peaceful state, but that it must give basic human rights to its citizens.

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Q: How does John Locke relate to the Magna Carta?
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Did John Locke create the Magna Carta?

No. Magna Carta dates from 1215 and was accepted by King John because he was forced to do so by a powerful group of rebel barons, bishops and abbots. Between 1216 and about 1480 it was reissued several times with modifications. John Locke lived from 1632 to 1704.

Which document did King John sign which reduced the power of the monarchy in England?

The first document to reduce the powers of the English monarchs was the Magna Carta, or Great Charter in English, signed in 1215 by King John.

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Which document limited the power of the English monarchy during the Middle Ages?

The Great Charter or 'Magna Carta' was forced on King John by the Barrons in 1215 . This limited his powers and granted that the privilages of the freemen would be upheld. Prior to this the powers of King John were only limited by the will of God. After the Magna Carta it was limited by Law.

Who was involved in the magna carta?

the magna carta got signed in 1215. on the i5th of september.

Which two English documents influenced American government?

the constitution and the declaration of independence

What is the agreement that king john of England was forced to sign in 1215?

the magna carta

The famous English document 1215?

The Magna Carta was signed by King John of England at Runnymede, near Windsor, on 15th June 1215.

Who was at the magna carta?

King John

Why did King John have to sign the Magna cARTA?

King john signed the magna carta because he was unfair to the peasants and he argued with the pope

Which monarch was on the throne when the magna carta was released?

The English monarch that signed the Magna Carta was King John.

What was the contribution of King John?

he signed magna carta which gave rights to ordinary people.