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Justice Wargrave kills Tony Marston first,by putting cyanide poison into his drink.

He kills Ethel Rogers second by giving her and overdose of sleeping pills in a glass of Brandy.

He kills General Macarthur third by a blow to the head while Macarthur was sitting alone outside.

He kills Emily Brent by injecting a dose of cyanide in her while she also had sleeping pills in her system.

He kills Mr. Rogers by and axe blow to the head while Rogers was chopping wood for the fire.

He fakes his death by shooting himself.

He kills Dr. Armstrong by pushing him off of a cliff and Armstrong drowns.

He kills Mr. Blore by dropping a bear-shaped clock onto his head.

He kills Philip by Vera shooting Philip with his own revolver.

He kills Vera by having a noose and chair in her room and Vera hangs herself.

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Justice Wargrave kills everyone in the novel "And Then There Were None" by using various methods, such as staging fake suicides or causing accidents that lead to death. He meticulously plans each murder to make it appear as if each victim committed suicide or died accidentally, thus covering his tracks and maintaining his facade as an innocent victim among the group.

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What is Mrjustice wargrave occupation?

Mr. Justice Wargrave is a retired judge.

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Who helped Justice Wargrave fake his death?

Lawrence Wargrave faked his death with the help of Dr. Armstrong. Dr. Armstrong injected Justice Wargrave with a medicine that slowed down his heartbeat, making it appear as though he had died from a gunshot wound.

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In "And Then There Were None," Justice Wargrave's confession in the bottle reveals his true identity as the murderer orchestrating the deaths on the island. He admits to his crimes and explains his motivations for wanting to deliver his own form of justice.

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*SPOILER ALERT!* If you are referring to the Justice Wargrave in "And Then There Were None", his motive was simply to bring justice to the murders where the "murderers" had gotten of Scots-free. Even though some of them didn't actually kill someone, he felt a need to kill all of the people that had killed someone and gotten off free. However, he also was motivated by the morbid and sick thought of wanting to commit the perfect murder: one where no one could ever solve it.

How does justice wargrave become involved in crime?

Justice Wargrave becomes involved in crime by manipulating the circumstances to create an opportunity for murder. He uses his position of authority and respect to gain the trust of the other characters, only to ultimately betray them by orchestrating a series of killings on the island. His cunning and calculating nature allow him to meticulously plan and execute the murders without raising suspicion.

Where is mr justice wargrave at the outset of the novel?

At the outset of the novel "And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie, Mr. Justice Wargrave is traveling to Indian Island as a guest invited by the mysterious host, U.N. Owen.

How is vera claythorne different from wargrave?

Vera Claythorne is a former governess who feels guilt over the death of her charge, while Justice Wargrave is a retired judge who orchestrates the murders on the island to deliver his own form of justice. Vera is more emotionally vulnerable and conflicted, while Wargrave is calculated and believes in the righteousness of his actions.

How did justice wargrave kill himself?

there was a strong string and a hancerchief he tied the revolver to the door and his hand and then he pulled it and the gun went off and shot him to the head the hancerchief kept the finger prints of vera claythorne

Did wargrave acted justly?

The character Justice Wargrave in Agatha Christie's "And Then There Were None" believes he is acting justly by punishing those he deems guilty of unpunished crimes. However, his method of achieving justice through murder can be seen as unjust and morally questionable. Ultimately, his actions blur the line between justice and vengeance.

Who is the killer in And Then There Were None?

The killer in the book and then there were none is Justice Lawence Wargrave. He secretly killed his victems one by one. He faked his death at one point with the help of doctor Armstrong. The thing is that dr Armstrong had no idea that wargrave was the killer. He thought that by helping fake the death it would give wargrave a chance to see who was doing all of the killing. In the end he writes his confession in a bottle and kills himself.

What other deduction does wargrave make?

Justice Wargrave deduces that the murderer is someone who thrives on manipulation and psychologically manipulating their victims. He also believes the murderer has a penchant for stagecraft and enjoys the dramatic aspect of their crimes.