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Jackson makes the claim that the removal of the 5 Major Native American Tribes and the Trail of Tears that followed was a necessary evil to protect the Natives from impending slaughter as white civilization would continue to take their land. Essentially, Jackson rationalizes the Trail of Tears by claiming the removal of the Indian Nations was the only way to save them from slaughter.

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Q: How does President Jackson try to justify the removal of the tribes from their land?
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Which president signed the removal act?

The Indian Removal Act, intended to relocate Native American tribes who were living south of the Mississippi River, was signed into law by Democrat Andrew Jackson on May 26, 1830.

The trail of tears resulted from president andrew jackson's effort to?

The Trail of Tears resulted from President Andrew Jackson's Indian Removal Policy. It was prompted by the settlers to expand into land belonging to the five tribes.

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The Indian Removal Act did not state that the Indian Had to go west of the Mississippi. The Act actually gave the President the right to negotiate with the tribes their removal to west of the mississippi. The tribes would first have to agree to this. Jackson broke this law and forced the removal of several tribes.

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The Indian Removal Act was a law passed during the presidency of Andrew Jackson. It lead to the transplantation of several Indian tribes and the Trail of Tears.

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provided for the general resettlement of Native Americans from east of the Mississippi River to lands west President Jackson was a strong opponent of Indian tribes

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John Q. Adams

What was According to Jackson what will be the benefit of Indian removal for the tribes?

He didn’t care about the tribes. His philosophy was the only good Indian was a dead one.

What is a short answer of what the the trail of tears is?

When President Andrew Jackson issued the removal of the "Five Civilized Tribes" and the Indians were forced off their land. There trail off the land became known as the Trail of Tears.

Where did President Jackson move Indian tribes that he removed from their homelands?


What did Jackson do that demonstrated his feelings toward the Native Americans?

Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act shortly after he took office. That law allowed him to negotiate the removal of Indians to across the Mississippi. He used it to illegally move tribes. The Cherokees were but one of those tribes

The American president most associated with the forced removal of the Southeastern Indians was?

Andrew Jackson. He signed the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which authorized the forced removal of Native American tribes, primarily the Cherokee, from their ancestral lands in the Southeast to territories west of the Mississippi River. This resulted in the Trail of Tears, a tragic and deadly journey for many Native Americans.

What were president jacksons feelings about the indian removal?

President Jackson was a strong supporter of Indian removal. He believed that it was necessary to relocate Native American tribes to lands west of the Mississippi River in order to make room for white settlers and to secure the sovereignty of the United States. He pushed for the passage of the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which led to the forced removal and displacement of thousands of Native Americans, most notably the Cherokee on the Trail of Tears.