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i believe president jackson included native americans.

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Q: What did president Jackson think was the best way to deal with the native American tribes that lived in the east?
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What are the native Americans tribe?

the native American tribes are called native American tribes.

What are some other reasons the Cherokee and other native American tribes lost their land to white people?

There is only one reason Native American tribes lost their lands in the early 1800's, the betrayal of president Andrew Jackson and his desire to move them elsewhere. See the Indian Removal Act of 1830.

Which president signed the removal act?

The Indian Removal Act, intended to relocate Native American tribes who were living south of the Mississippi River, was signed into law by Democrat Andrew Jackson on May 26, 1830.

What are three American native tribes?

Apache, Huron, and Lakota are three different Native American Tribes.

The American president most associated with the forced removal of the Southeastern Indians was?

Andrew Jackson. He signed the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which authorized the forced removal of Native American tribes, primarily the Cherokee, from their ancestral lands in the Southeast to territories west of the Mississippi River. This resulted in the Trail of Tears, a tragic and deadly journey for many Native Americans.

Why did president jackson relocate the native american tribes living in the south?

He relocated so that he could gain American people could have more land as the east coast was getting crowded. Ps. President Jackson was also responsible for making the cherokee use the trail of tear. 4000 people died on that trail. Source: I am doing the same unit on history :)

Do Native American Tribes protect the environment in a responsible manner?

do native American tribes protect the environment in a responsible manner? if so, how so? do native American tribes protect the environment in a responsible manner? if so, how so?

What are the names of the Native American tribes that Andrew Jackson moved?

andrew Jackson and the united states government forced the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, creek, and Seminole tribes (also known as the five civilized tribes) to leave their homeland to move west of the mississippi river.

Who was the toughest Native American tribe?

The strongest native American tribes included the Comanche tribes and the Iroquois tribes in early American history. Today, the Seminole tribes are quite strong in that they have an excellent business.

What were some of the factors for Andrew Jackson's push for the Indian Removal Act?

Some of the factors that contributed to Andrew Jackson's push for the Indian Removal Act were his belief in westward expansion and the desire for white settlers to have access to Native American lands. Jackson also believed that removing Native Americans from their ancestral lands and relocating them to designated territories would lead to their assimilation into white American society. Additionally, Jackson viewed Native American tribes as impediments to American progress and thought that removing them would eliminate conflicts and promote economic growth.

What Native American tribes live in Kentucky today?

There were many native American tribes that lived in Kentucky. A few of the tribes were the Cherokee, Yuchi, and Shawnee.

How does President Jackson try to justify the removal of the tribes from their land?

Jackson makes the claim that the removal of the 5 Major Native American Tribes and the Trail of Tears that followed was a necessary evil to protect the Natives from impending slaughter as white civilization would continue to take their land. Essentially, Jackson rationalizes the Trail of Tears by claiming the removal of the Indian Nations was the only way to save them from slaughter.