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The Orthodox Church views the Holy Bible as being very important, and equal with the Holy Tradition. The Holy Scriptures are a collection of Books of the New Testament that come out of the Holy Tradition (the unwritten and oral tradition) of the Early Christian Church. The Bible did not just appear out of thin air.

At the time when Jesus Christ established His Church in Jerusalem in 33 AD, there was no Bible, but only the Old Testament scriptures. So for the first years of its existence, the Church had no New Testament Scriptures at all, and for the first 500 years, there was no printed Bible as we have today. Most people could not even read or write at this time and there was certainly no printing press. They would hear the Scriptures and hold the traditions they were taught (2 Thess 2:15). Christ says "blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it" (Luke 11:28).

So the Holy Scriptures that we know today came to us very slowly and over many decades and centuries from the oral tradition of the Orthodox Church. In fact, it was not until the Fourth Century that St Athanasios of Alexandria wrote his famous Easter Letter in the year 367 AD that identified and "canonized" the 27 books of the New Testament that we all still use to this day.

The Orthodox Church has always used the same Holy Scriptures from the very beginning, as it is the continuation of the living Apostolic Tradition that was handed down by the Holy Apostles. Then the Church split into what we now call Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholics in 1054 AD. Then, many centuries later, Martin Luther led a protest movement against the Catholics and formed his own "protestant" group in 1517 AD. From that year onwards, all the other thousands of protestant groups sprang up in many places of the world. But all these groups use the same Bible and the same Holy Scriptures that the Orthodox Church established from as far back as 33 AD in oral form, and from 367 AD in written form.

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The Ethiopian orthodox church is a 4th ad religion which is a historic thing in our nation The Bible is viewed by the Ethiopian orthodox church as the guide to righteousness every element every phrase is clearly studied and preached by the priests deacons or church elders Ethiopians are known to be extremely religious and concise with the bible through their mass and believe and how their religion ties with their culture. Through the days of Jesus he clearly stated to the Jews of israel that the ethiopians hospitallity is much greater than this Jesus knew the future the past and the present of wat was to come it also states in the bible Ethiopia will stretch out her hands to god in the chapter of psalms signifying how religious and respectfull they are to the religion of Christianity and being highly orthodox may god bless Ethiopia

The son the father and the holy spirit Amen.

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