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Q: How does Washington save his men from smallpox?
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At what age did George Washington get smallpox?

George Washington was 20 years old when he got smallpox.

Where Washington contracted smallpox?

West Indies

How did George Washington get smallpox?

yes when he was 12

Did George Washington get smallpox?

yes when he was 12

Why can women only get smallpox?

No, men get it, too.

Did George Washington have a disability?

His face was scarred from smallpox, and he wore false teeth

What famous people have died from smallpox?

Some of the most famous people that you may be aware of who had smallpox were US presidents George Washington, Andrew Jackson, and Abraham Lincoln. Soviet leader Joseph Stalin also had smallpox.

Desperate to save himself and his family from a smallpox epidemic a man named gaapiatan sacificed?

A Horse

What did the two men who were looking for runaway slaves think about the people on the board the raft?

They had smallpox

How many diseases did George Washington have?

His face was scarred from smallpox, and he wore bad false teeth

Did George Washington have birth marks or scars?

There is no historical evidence to suggest that George Washington had any birthmarks. However, he did have several scars, including one on his forehead which was likely the result of a childhood illness. He also had scars on his legs from smallpox inoculation.

The threat of smallpox to the war effort was so great in early 1777 that General Washington ordered?

mass inoculation