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There are two things you need to have visible abs:

- muscles

- and very little subcutaneous (=under the skin) fat, so that the muscles become visible

The first is easy, do a ridiculous amount of crunches/situps evey day and you'll soon have the muscles.

The second is hard, because we are meant to have some subcutaneous fat.

It's our insulation, our padding and our energy reserve. Losing it to the point where abs becomes really visible means that our immune system gets weakened, we can get difficulties in keeping warm, and generally our energy levels drop.

It's doable, but not really recommended.

For a woman it's doubly difficult, as the breasts are also made up of a large part of subcutaneous fat. Losing enough to get abs will make your breasts shrink too. Having both natural abs and natural large breasts really isn't possible.

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12y ago

make sure you have a high protein diet! and do a lot of cruches and sit up, push ups help to (: good luck.

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