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* A king cobra captures its prey by spitting venom a its preys eyes than attacking at the neck or eyes

* Or it can sneak up on its prey and bite a vein on the side until the animal dies

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Q: How does a King Cobra capture it's pray?
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How does a king cobra eat?

It usually eats snakes so it does a quick venomous bite and waits until the snake dies. In some cases the King Cobra constricts the snake but this is very rare. After the pray is dead the King Cobra stretches it's mouth and swallows it. A King Cobra could last months from just 1 meal.

What is the anatomy of a king cobra?

King Cobra

Is a king cobra cannibalistic?

A king cobra will eat other snakes smaller than it,but there is no recorded case where a king cobra has eaten another king cobra.

What do you call a king cobra in Hindi?

king cobra

Is the king cobra endangered?

No, the King Cobra is not endangered.

Is a king cobra a frog?

No, a king cobra is not a frog.

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Is the king cobra a cobra?

If you go to the zoo, they might negotiate with you, but the king cobra would be very expensive.

Use the word king cobra in a sentence?

King cobra is the king of snakes.

How does a cobra lily capture its prey?

They suck them in

What is king cobra's diet and lifecycle?

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