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Q: How does a buboe in plague differ from the eschar in Cutaneous anthrax?
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Simalarities of black death and anthrax?

Black Death was believed to be a Plague. But it could have been anthrax. As this amount of spread is only possible in airborne cases.

How did the europeans know anthrax wasnt the black death?

Because, Anthrax and the Bubonic plague, also known as Black Death are two different types of diseases. African mammals were often infected with Anthrax, and the spores could have easily reached Europe through air currents. This evidence suggests that Anthrax was present at the time of the Black Death and was responsible for or at least contributed to the great many deaths the plague caused. But whether or not it was the cause of the Black Death, or simply aided the Bubonic Plague in some capacity in making people sick, remains unclear.

What are three potental boilogical warfare agents that are bacteria?

Three biological warfare agents that are bacteria are: Anthrax Plague Tularemia

Was the Black Death a parasite or bacteria or a virus?

We don't actually know what the Black Death was exactly. The most accepted theory is that it was a form of Bubonic Plague, caused by a bacteria called Yersinia Pestis which was spread through the bites of fleas. This theory makes sense, because the bacteria is native to Asia, where the plague started. Black Rats from Asia managed to get into Europe on ships during trades, spreading the bacteria and therefore the plague into Europe. Another theory, less popular that the one above, is that the plague was actually caused by an Ebola Virus. The virus's incubation period is longer than that of the Yersinia Pestis bacteria, which is believed to contributed to the Black Death spreading so quickly, because the virus survived longer in the hosts before becoming lethal. However, the theory would also explain how the plague travelled from human to human, as Ebola Viruses are passed on through human contact, whereas it is extremely rare for Yersinia Pestis to be passed on through human contact. One of the most recent theories is Anthrax, which is a bacterial disease from cattle products. This theory is actually gaining popularity due to recent evidences. Indeed, cattle was transported from Asia, where plague originated, to Europe in trades. A recent archaeological investigation into a plague pit discovered in Scotland (where dead bodies of plague victims were thrown in and buried), biological archaeologists discovered signs of anthrax spores. Doctors, pathologists and physicians notes written during the Black Plague period reported symptoms of "boils, blisters, lesions, ulcers, Eschar ulcers, toxidemia, flu, vomiting blood and intestine inflammation". All of these are symptoms of Anthrax. If it was indeed Anthrax, then the flu-like symptom would have helped the Anthrax bacteria spread through sneezes and coughs. It has also been suggested that the Black Death was caused by a mixture of both Bubonic and Anthrax. So there you have your theories. The bubonic theory is the most widely accepted, but it does not explain how the Black Death managed to spread so fast and so far. The Ebola theory is able to explain how the Black Death spread so far and so fast and also how it was passed on by human contact. However the symptoms do not match medical notes from the Black Plague period, so the theory is not very popular. The Anthrax theory is not currently as popular as the bubonic theory, but is more popular than the Ebola theory. However it is rapidly gaining popularity as more and more evidence of the similarities between the symptoms of the Black Death and Anthrax are discovered as well as the discovery of Anthrax spores at archaeological dig sites.

What vaccines or injections did Pasteur develop?

Pasteur created and tested vaccines for diphtheria, cholera, yellow fever, plague, rabies, anthrax, and tuberculosis.

Why do some scientists say the black death wasn't a plague but it was anthrax?

Black Death occurred in 1346 to 1353. People were not sure that it spread due to rats or feces of human and animal. Thus.

Identify three types of potential biological warfare agents?

The three types of potential biological agents are :Bacteria : Plague / Anthrax / TularemiaToxins : Ricin / Botulism / Staphylococcal Enterotoxin (SEB)Virus : smallpox

Is mercury used in biological weapons?

Biological weapons involve living things, such as germs. Mercury is a chemical, not a biological. Bio weapons might include the diseases of anthrax, plague, typhus, Ebola, etc.

What diseases do you get from animals?

There are several zoonotic diseases, or diseases that can be passed on from animals to humans. The most common ones out of all of them are rabies, anthrax, tapeworm, encephalitis, influenza, the virus Salmonella enterica, Q-fever, and plague.

Are there any blood diseases dogs can get from prairie dogs?

Yes, it is possible for your dog to contract the plague (Yersinia pestis) from fleas on the prairie dogs. Depending upon the soil the prairie dogs have been digging through, anthrax would be another concern.

What is the most baddest disease?

It depends on what you mean by "most deadly". Some diseases, like the Bubonic Plague, killed more people than, say, smallpox, but is more easily treatable. The reason the plague killed more people is because it became a pandemic during the middle ages, when medical treatment was unavailable. Some of the deadliest, however, are: Bubonic Plague Smallpox Anthrax Tuberculosis