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There are many systems within the cell that have to come together and function exactly right in order for protein synthesis to occur.

For starters, the cell's DNA serves as the template for proteins. One gene corresponds to the information needed to produce one type of protein.

Cells will first copy a single gene to an intermediate form that the protein generating machinery can read from. This template is just a modified form of DNA and is called mRNA. It hangs out in the cytoplasm waiting for protein generating machinery to come by and read it.

The protein generating machinery, or ribosomes, are responsible for actually producing proteins. Proteins are just long chains of amino acid molecules. Ribosomes are responsible for linking up the amino acid molecules in a very specific order that corresponds directly to the mRNA template.

Thus the DNA is TRANSCRIBED to mRNA, which is then TRANSLATED to protein.

This is the central dogma of molecular Biology: DNA -> mRNA -> protein.

The protein molecules that result may then float freely in the cell's cytoplasm (where they were produced), or they may go through a series of packaging systems, where they could then ultimately be released from the cell in a process called exocytosis.

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12y ago
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14y ago

By the Ribosome. They are responsible for protein synthesis.

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6y ago

Proteins are made in the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum.

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Q: How does a cell produce and release protein?
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The organelles responsible for producing proteins used within the cell are called ribosomes. Ribosomes can be found either floating freely in the cytoplasm or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum. They translate the genetic information from messenger RNA (mRNA) into specific proteins through a process called translation.

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