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Through the family court system. He would have to prove he's the better person to raise his child. He'd have to prove he was financially stable, and morally 'upright'. The judge would listen to arguments from both sides - and (if deemed mature enough) from the child itself. The testimonies of all persons involved would be taken into consideration before a final ruling was made.

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Q: How does a father get custody of his child in the UK?
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yes if she has full custody

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How often is the father awarded custody of the child over the mother in North Carolina?

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A child does not need to be abandoned by their mother for a father to be awarded full custody. If the father can demonstrate before a judge that the mother is unfit to parent, the judge can award him full custody of the child.

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The mother. If she dies, her parents get custody.

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sounds like kdnap to me. does the father have custody?

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if father dead, you need custody of child

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That depends on the custody order, but she can file for a change of custody.

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only if mum has custody

When will court give custody to the father?

When, in the opinion of the court, granting the father custody would be in the best interests of the child.

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He can still gain custody as the presumptive father.

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What if the child is 13 yrs old and want to move in with father if you have phyiscal custody of her?