

How does a giraffe eat when its neck is so long?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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A giraffe can usually reach the ground by lowering its neck and/or widening its stance. The long neck gives them access to a variety of plants from the fairly low to the very high.

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Q: How does a giraffe eat when its neck is so long?
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Why do giraffe have long neck and long tongue?

so they can reach the tree tops to eat the juicy green leaves

What is the important function performed by a giraffe's extremely long neck?

So they can Eat leaves off of trees.

How does a giraffe's neck gets so so long?

The reason why giraffes necks get so long is because they have to eat and the stuff that they eat is on the trees so they have to have long necks to get the stuff off the tree

What is the reason for Giraffe's Necks to be so long?

Because the leaves they eat (off a special type of tree) are incredibly high and the giraffes need long necks to reach them!

Why is the neck so long?

A giraffe's neck is long so that it can reach the leaves at the top of tall Savannah trees.

What adaptation does a giraffe have that allows them to eat from high branches of a tree?

A giraffe has along neck to eat plants up high so no other animal can compete with it for food

What has a neck?

A giraffe has a long neck; so does a goose as well as certain waterfowl. There's also a long neck beer bottle.

What is the importance of the long neck of the giraffe?

It is so they can reach leaves on the trees.

What animal has a long neck and a long legs?

A giraffe has tongue that is 18-20 inches long, its legs are 6-7 feet tall, and its neck is 6 feet long and weighs over 600 pounds alone. In total the giraffe weighs over 3,000 pounds!!! The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world!!!

If a giraffe habitat change to live in rainforest what will the giraffe behavioral and physical adaptation to surive in its new habitat?

A giraffe is adapted by having a long neck to reach the leaves off of the tallest trees. So they can eat the leaves.

Why does a girafee have a long neck?

my dick is really long that you for wondering :)

What is an important function of a giraffe's extremely long neck?

giraffes are omnivores so they eat primarily plants and vegetation, which is abundant in trees which are, you guessed it, TALL. most other animals cant reach or climb trees so they scavenge on the ground where over time vegetation will become more scarce due to all the traffic. sooo, long neck + tall trees = more food for giraffes.