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It's very likely that there are sexual health clinics near you. If you book an appointment they will ask you some questions and then give you the appropriate test/tests.

Alternatively, you could look up the symptoms you might be feeling via the internet, but be warned: it's very easy to self diagnose yourself with something completely inaccurate, and this method of self diagnosis is usually used as a precursor to seeing a professional.

If you don't have access to a sexual health clinic, then perhaps you could talk to your school/college nurse about it. If that option is also unavailable, then perhaps book an appointment with your local GP/doctor.

It's recommended that sexually active young people get tested regularly of STDs, whether they're actually having sex or not. It's nothing to be ashamed of and you'll be treated respectfully by all the professionals I've suggested.

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Q: How does a girl know if she has an STD?
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no, it is not normal. This means the girl has a STD. Sorry...

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STD's usually don't prevent pregnancy. Are you trying or are just wanting to know?

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Not necessarily. If he has an STD, that does not mean he got it from sleeping around. He could have had it from birth (his parents) or he could have gotten it from a girl before he was married.