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Newly born mammals get food by its mother by drinking milk from it

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From their mothers udders.

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Q: How does a newly born mammal receive food?
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The egg itself provides the nurishment the chicken itself is not a mammal!

What mammal has to eat its own weight in food everyday?

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Source of food for developing mammal?

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Can pet mice eat other small mammal food such as hamster food?

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What is the difference between reptile babies and mammal babies?

With few exceptions (eg: alligators, etc.) reptiles are on their own when they are born. They receive no food or protection from the parents. Mammals, however, provide their young with milk as well as protection from predators and severe weather. They also teach their young survival skills they will need as adults.

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What is definition of meat?

The flesh of an animal (especially a mammal) as food.

A tiger is a mammal?

Yes. Tigers are mammals. They giver birth to live cubs and feed them milk when they are young. Tigers are critically endangered due to hunting. They are carnivores and apex predators that hunt animals like deer, buffalo etc for food.

What is manetu?

A manatee is a large swimming mammal that is hunted for food and blubber.

How does a mammal obtain its food?

That depends on what the mammal eats. Carnivores (meat eaters) hunt for their food. Herbivores (plant eaters) eat berries, leaves, and bark from trees and bushes. Scavangers steal their food from other animals, trash cans, and such. Domesticated (pets) get their food from humans.

Which mammal bears the most young?

The closer one get to the bottom of the food chain, the more young are born. Rats, mice, rabbits, etc. usually have high numbers of offspring.