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Q: How does a person pay jail fines when they are homeless?
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Can a person be put in jail for not paying DUI fines?

Yes, it constitutes a contempt of court charge which is a separate offense from the DUI. If you can not afford to pay the fines contact the court to work something out.

What happens if you dont pay parking tickets on a car that is totaled?

When violating a rule, it is important to pay the fines associated with it. If a person does not pay a parking ticket, they can end up with late fees and possible jail time.

Can a judge send you to jail if you cannot pay your fines when you turn yourself in?

If paying fines or making restitution to the victim was part of your sentence and you failed to do so for whatever reason, the judge can jail you if he so chooses.

How long does a person stay in jail for not paying their speeding fines?

The time you stay in jail varies with the crime and/or fines that are imposed. If you are behind on child support, the length of jail time can vary from 6 months to 1 year. If you did not pay fines for a traffic ticket, there may be no jail time depending on the violation, and the case is sent to collections and your license is suspended or revoked.

If caught what charges does identity theft face?

you could face jail time and have to pay off the fines

If offenders do not pay their fines immediately at the sentencing hearing are they sent to jail until they pay?

At sentencing you are given the conditions of the sentence. If you do not abide by the court ordered conditions, you can be jailed for contempt of court. Failing to perform the conditions of the sentence would open you up to incarceration. No person will be put in jail simply because of an inability to pay the fines on the sentencing date. That would be like having a 'debtor's prison.' Most courts will make arrangements for installment payments on larger fines. Indigent people will never be put in jail for contempt of court for not paying a fine unless they refuse to be gainfully employed.

What ia the typical sentence for a class A Misdemeanor in Alaska?

A person who commits a class A misdemeanor while in Alaska means that a person can receive up to one year in jail. They could also pay up to $10,000 in fines.

What are the consequences of harassing someone?

The consequences can range from one getting their tail kicked to ending up in jail. Civil suits could also result in a person having to pay heavy fines in court.

How do you use scofflaw in a sentence?

He was deemed a scofflaw for repeatedly violating traffic laws and refusing to pay his fines.

Do you have to pay a person in jail in monopoly?

No, you do not have to pay a player in jail in Monopoly when you land on their property. Players in jail cannot collect rent from other players.

What is the advantages of tax evasion?

There are no advantages of tax evasion because it is illegal to do. It may seem like an advantage at the time because it is the refusal to pay taxes. However, a person can face jail time and severe fines if and when they are caught.

What could happen if you go to your court date but you can't pay your fines in the state of Ohio and you don't have a regular source of income?

you get jail time