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Well you go and carefully put every important thing in the story and plot them.

Plotting just means what's happening. Some authors use index cards, others use just a large piece of paper. Write down the major scenes in the conflict and just put them in whatever order you need them to be in order to tell your story. That's a plot line.

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1mo ago

A plot provides the sequence of events that drive the story forward, while conflict creates tension and obstacles that characters must overcome. As the plot unfolds, conflicts intensify, creating rising action and adding depth to the story. Ultimately, resolution of conflicts leads to the story's conclusion.

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14y ago

A plot diagram is a tool you can use to organize the different parts of the story. An example of a plot diagram is Freitag's Pyramid.

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Q: How does a plot and conflict develop a story?
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Is conflict and plot the same thing?

No, conflict and plot are not the same thing. Conflict refers to the struggle between opposing forces in a story, driving the plot forward. Plot, on the other hand, is the sequence of events that make up a story, including the introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

The story and conflict begins in which stage of plot?


What is the falling-action of a story?

A resolution of the story's main conflict and an end to the story's plot.

What does the conflict do in the plot of a story?

Conflict drives the plot of a story by creating obstacles and challenges for the main characters to overcome. It adds tension, suspense, and keeps the audience engaged as they anticipate how the conflict will be resolved. Conflict can also reveal the true nature of the characters and lead to character growth or development.

When does a conflict in a story usually occur?

A conflict in a story typically occurs when the main character faces an obstacle or challenge that they need to overcome in order to reach their goal. This conflict helps drive the plot forward and creates tension and interest for the reader. It usually occurs early in the story and continues to develop throughout.

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What does 'plot' mean?

a plot poem is a poem that has a plot, and seems to have a storyline as it goes through.

What happens when conflict is added to a story?

The plot is more complicated.

What part of the plot resolves all the conflict in a story?

The resolution

what is the five elements of plot for the story "Love in the Cornhusks"?

characters, setting, plot, conflict and resolution

What is the difference between the problem and the plot?

The problem is the central conflict or challenge that drives the story, while the plot refers to the sequence of events that make up the story. The problem is what the characters must overcome, while the plot is how they go about resolving it.

How do the elements of plot work together to develop a story's theme?

The plot elements such as exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution help to develop a story's theme by unfolding the events in a way that reinforces the central message or idea being conveyed. The conflict and resolution in the plot can highlight and emphasize the theme by showing how characters respond to challenges and how these challenges contribute to the overall message of the story. By progressing through the plot elements, the theme is ultimately revealed and reinforced to the audience.