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Having a slow metabolic rate helps turtles by allowing them to stay under water for longer periods of time. The slower metabolic rate also allows turtles to require less frequent feedings.

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Q: How does a slow metabolic rate help a turtle?
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Does fever decrease the metabolic rate of the body to conserve energy?

It decrease the metabolic rate. This is because Metabolic actually produce heat, if you are in fever state, the body will slow down rate of metabolic as less heat will be produced.

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No, it is not true that slower moving animals have slower metabolic rates. Infact , animals with small bodies have higher metabolic rate.

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by beeing slow

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Why do koalas spend most of their time sleeping?

Koalas have a slow metabolic rate which is required for them to digest the eucalyptus leaves on which they feed. Eucalyptus leaves are very fibrous and rather low in nutrition, so the fact that the koala has a slow metabolic rate means it can keep the food within its digestive system for as long as possible in order to maximise the energy that can be extracted from the leaves. This slow metabolic rate also means the koalas sleep for more time each day in order to conserve energy.

Can Garter Snakes go a month without eating?

As long as they have just had a large meal, and slow their metabolic rate, then yes.

What is the drug in gum leaves a koala eats?

There is no drug in gum (eucalyptus) leaves. Koalas have a slow metabolic rate which is required for them to digest the eucalyptus leaves on which they feed. Eucalyptus leaves are very fibrous and rather low in nutrition, so the fact that the koala has a slow metabolic rate means it can keep the food within its digestive system for as long as possible in order to maximise the energy that can be extracted from the leaves. This slow metabolic rate also means the koalas sleep for more time each day in order to conserve energy.

Why is the koala's body temperature so low?

The koala's body temperature is lower than that of other mammals their size because of their low metabolic rate. This slow metabolic rate is required for them to digest the eucalyptus leaves on which they feed. Eucalyptus leaves are very fibrous and rather low in nutrition, so the fact that the koala has a slow metabolic rate means it can keep the food within its digestive system for as long as possible in order to maximise the energy that can be extracted from the leaves.

Do koalas sleep all day?

Koalas are nocturnal animals, which means they are more active at night. Koalas have a slow metabolic rate which is required for them to digest the eucalyptus leaves on which they feed. Eucalyptus leaves are very fibrous and rather low in nutrition, so the fact that the koala has a slow metabolic rate means it can keep the food within its digestive system for as long as possible in order to maximise the energy that can be extracted from the leaves. This slow metabolic rate also means the koalas sleep for more time each day in order to conserve energy.

Why do Koalas sleep all day?

Koalas are nocturnal animals, which means they are more active at night. Koalas have a slow metabolic rate which is required for them to digest the eucalyptus leaves on which they feed. Eucalyptus leaves are very fibrous and rather low in nutrition, so the fact that the koala has a slow metabolic rate means it can keep the food within its digestive system for as long as possible in order to maximise the energy that can be extracted from the leaves. This slow metabolic rate also means the koalas sleep for more time each day in order to conserve energy.