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Alcohol can severly effect someone's coordination when taken in large doses. Alcohol will still temporarily effect someone's coordination when taken in smaller doses as well

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Q: How does alcohol affect coordination?
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Alcohol tends to affecting coordination by slowing down the cerebral cortex.

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Alcohol affects the limbic portion of the brain by disrupting the communication between neurons, leading to changes in mood, behavior, and inhibition control. Blurry vision is a common symptom of alcohol consumption, but it is not specifically related to the limbic system.

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Alcohol typically has a negative effect on hand eye coordination. Some people already have bad hand eye coordination, and when adding alcohol, it makes it worse, which is why a cop will make you walk in a straight line if you are suspected of driving drunk.

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Noise does affect hand eye coordination because it makes the subject not be able to concentrate and do their best, when for hand-eye coordination it is vital to not be distracted. It is mult-tasking;therefore, the subject can't have a lot of noise. For example, the more noise, the worse the hand-eye coordination. As a conclusion, noise does affect hand-eye coordination. -Emma Caillouet

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Does temperature affect the weight of alcohol?

yes, it do affect the alcohol