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Alternative medicines have been around since people have been around. They are tried and true medicines, for the most part. This is not to say they cannot be used in conjunction with modern medicine because they can.

Also alternative medicines are normally based in plants rather than something that comes out of a chemist's laboratory. They are wonderful alternatives for those with allergic reactions to modern medicine.

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Because traditional medicine kills more than they save, this is a fact. Healthcare is the number one killer in the USA, more than any other cause. Not talking about people who die in the care of doctors. Talking about doctors directly causing death through mistakes, neglect, surgery and drugs they prescribe. Examples... Blood pressure medicine, when your blood pressure raises, this is an ADAPTATION, they give you a drug to artificially lower it without fixing the actual cause. Now if you blood needed 100 percent of the oxygen/blood it was getting, what happens when you lower that by 50 percent? Your body still needs all that blood.... Not good. In fact people on blood pressure medicine suffer MORE cardiac problems than those who don't take medicine. Methadone, suboxone for pain killer dependence. They basically give you a MORE addictive harder to get off of narcotic to get off of a narcotic.... Making you a lifetime cash cow. Yet, a cure exists that FIXES the imbalance in the brain that is caused by dependence and eliminates withdrawal in ONE dose. It has a 4 times higher success right than any other method of keeping people off of it for life. Why would you choose to take soul sucking methadone/suboxone have it eat your bones away, take the color out of life, make your hair fall out etc etc when you could take a CURE and be done with it? Chemotherapy is described by DOCTORS as burning down a house to get to destroy a painting. You basically destroy the body to the point of near death in hopes of killing the cancer, but in doing so you take the bodys ability to fight itself and take any strength or fight that person had. I personally know people who have had chemo and died right after, and people who refuse it and have lived with cancer for over 20 years. THATS why. Because doctors are too expensive, in this country health is a privilege not a right, cant afford food and medicine? Oh well, you die. This country treats it's people horrible, they can't even take care of it's veterans. What does this mean? Instead of nipping it in the bud as soon as a problem appears like they do in Canada, they wait till they absolutely cannot wait any longer and by then it's too late. They get incentives for turning people away, the more people they reject for BS insurance reasons the more money they get, the more unnecessary drugs and procedures they do, the more bonuses they get. In Canada it's the OPPOSITE, the MORE patients they treat the more money they get. You will die of things that would be treated for FREE in other countries because you don't have enough pieces of paper, paper is more important than LIFE here. In Canada they give you a ride to the hospital and will even give you money to catch a cab, yes, they give YOU money. They help pregnant and new mothers do laundry, cook, all FREE. Why? Because they actually care about their citizens. Just a few reasons why people resort to alternative medicine.

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There are a range of degree programs to choose from depending on your alternative medicine interest. You can take a look, Indian Board of Alternative Medicine Website courses page for in details.

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