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Roundworms can cause serious damage to humans and other living things. Roundworms also live in pigs, so when people eat it pork undercooked, they can have roundworms inside their body, where it causes a disease. Earthworms cannot do any of these things that roundworms can do.

(Roundworms are parasites, so if you don't want to have parasites inside your body organs, DON'T EAT UNDERCOOKED PORK OR ANY TYPE OF MEAT)

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13y ago
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13y ago

A slow worm is a reptile, a lizard, you can tell if it blinks and is usually sandy in colour.

And earthworm, well obviously lives in the ground or household composters and can wary from pink to pale peach in colour

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Is a roundworm part of the earthworm family?

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you go to scarlett?

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not QUITE sure... but maybe because the earthworms have rings around their bodies which makes them stronger. sorry if that is not what you wanted to know!

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A roundworm has an open nervous system.

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The parasitic roundworm (scientific name: Nematoda) is an invertebrate.

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Roundworm is associated with under cooked pork.

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Ascariasis is the only roundworm infection with a significant mortality rate.

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