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Q: How does an employee qualify for and receive paid leave under fmla?
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This would depend. Under the Family Medical Leave Act, , an eligible employee who availed of leaves under the FMLA, has the right to return to the same or equivalent position, pay, and benefits upon the conclusion of their leave. This means that the employer is mandated to restore his employee to his job after his leave. However, if the employee took a leave of absence not allowed under the FMLA or other state laws, or is not eligible for such job-protected leave, the management has no legal obligation to take him back.

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under the OSHAct, employees have the right to receive training on all of the following, EXCEPT

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yes or you could go to prison

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No.during suspension period, an employee is supposed to maintain headquarters. Hence there is no rule which permits to leave for abroad.

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If there is a pregnancy, personal illness, or family illness an employee can claim 12 weeks in any given year under the Family Medical Leave Act. Any other leave is covered under New Jersey state law.

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If you were an employee for a business you will receive a W-2 form no matter what the amount of income that you received. This is required of them by the IRS.

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In general an employee has no right under employment law to be paid while on sick leave. Consequently, it is at the discretion of the employer to decide his/her own policy on sick pay and sick leave, subject to the employee's contract or terms of employment.

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