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Legal status is NOT a requirement to receive a marriage license. You can marry a citizen, resident alien, or illegal alien- it doesn't matter (as long as the other person is of the opposite sex).

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Q: How does an illegal alien who was brought to the US as a 13th month old child also raise and educated all his life in the US marry someone in the US?
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What is illegal alien?

someone who has come into a country illegally from another country

Could someone sponsor an illegal alien without marriage?

if they had sex with it

What does illegal alien stand for?

Illegal alien stands for illegal imagrant!

Can an Illegal Alien avoid deportation by using a sponsor?

I do not think there is an illegal alien, but there is such thing as alien

What is a good illegal alien citizen?

'Illegal alien citizen' is an oxymoron.

A child was brought to the US by his illegal alien parents when he was 2 months old what rights does he have to stay in the US as an adult?


Are permanent resident aliens illegal aliens?

An alien is not illegal as long as she/he has documentation of status. An alien who is documented to be a permanent resident is not illegal. If the alien does not have and never has had documentation of an immigration status, then that person is an illegal alien.

Can an illegal alien get papers if they are married to someone with the papers but haven't got a greencard yet?

Yes they can.

Will an illegal alien become a legal US resident by marrying someone who has been granted asylum?


Is a marriage to an illegal alien valid if they only reason for the marriage by the illegal alien was to become a citizen?

it is illegal

If an illegal alien got married to his cousin then got divorced and recently remarried Can he be penalized?

I think if an alien got married to his cousin, even if they got divorced, that he should be penalized. But, I really no nothing about marriage laws so that is just an educated guess since marrying your cousin is illegal.

How do i legalize my girlfriend who is an illegal alien?

A person can not legalize their girlfriend or boyfriend if they are an illegal alien. If the person is married to an illegal alien, they can file for a Visa from the INS.