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Anemia isn't a contagious disease but it is a disease you can inherit from your family members.

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13y ago

Anemia isn't contagious but it can be inherited.

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What are all the types of anemia in livestock?

There are 3 types of Livestock anemia. Infectious anemia, Nutrition anemia, and bovine anemia. Bovine anemia is found mostly in cows.

Which anemia is also called hypochromic anemia?

Iron-deficiency anemia

What anemia can be diagnosis by gastric analysis?

Pernicious Anemia

What is it called when you lack iron?

An anemia caused by vitamin B12 is pernicious anemia while deficient in iron is iron defeciency anemia.

What is hemorragia anemia?

Anemia is reduced hemoglobin in blood. One cause of anemia is blood loss. Bleeding is called hemorrhagia. Anemia caused by blood loss is hemorrhagic anemia.

Which form of anemia is a genetic disorder?

It sounds like you are looking for Sickle Cell Anemia.

Deficiency in erythrocytes or hemoglobin?


What is anemia in afrikaans?

Fanconi anemia (FA)English word Anemia Afrikaans language anemie

Is anemia a genetic disorder?

Anemia is a broad disorder that literally translates as 'no blood'. In medical practice, anemia is a condition in which there are insufficient normal red blood cells to provide oxygen to the body tissues. Anemia can be caused by a wide variety of things: large volume blood loss, infection, cancer and toxins can all result in various types of anemia. There are also genetic causes of anemia. Two commonly discussed genetic anemias are sickle cell anemia and hemophilia-related anemia. Sickle cell anemia developed in Africa, where malaria parasites are common. A heterozygous individual has about 15% abnormal red blood cells that are crescent-shaped and don't transport oxygen well. Hemophilia was traced to a point mutation in the English royal line in the Middle Ages, which then spread throughout Europe via marriage among the royal houses. Hemophilia actually results in blood that does not clot properly, which can result in anemia due to chronic blood loss through hemorrhages.

What is plastic anemia?

Its not plastic anemia , its aplastic anemia, defect in the bone marrow to form blood cells.

Can a deficiency of magnesium lead to anemia?

A deficiency of copper can lead to anemia.

How does a horse get equine infectious anemia?

It is spread by flies and is a very serious decease. There is no cure and it is highly contagious. That I know of, any horse that contracts the decease is unfortunatly put to sleep.