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Christianity beleives that there is but one "correct" God out of the thousands that mankind has worshipped; Atheists believe that there is one less than that.

While no comments can be applicable to an entire group, the following points about the level of lifestyle and interactions with other people of :Atheists: and "Christians":

  • Atheists follow an internal moral code - Christianity follows a moral code imposed on them.
  • Atheists are individuals, Christians are a community of people which, more or less,t think the same.
  • Atheist do not try to convert others, Christians often try to convert others
  • Atheists do not impose their practices on the public, Christians have public prayers and so on
  • Atheits do not wage religious wars on other nations
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You have asked a complicated question that crosses several areas of discourse. Briefly:

Existentialism is difficult to explain as it takes on different forms for different people but for most of its followers, it can be described as atheistic although nineteenth century philosophers discussed the existence and non-existence of god. Existentialism can be defined as a philosophy that sees human existence in an indifferent universe, unexplainable, that we have freedom of choice and are responsible for our own acts: each person's experience is as a unique individual rather than a member of a collective. There is no ultimate purpose. There is no created meaning (or purpose) for life and humans can create their own meaning.

Atheism is the absence of belief in gods. Atheistic existentialism formally excludes religious belief from philosophical existentialist thought.

Alternatively, Christianity is a religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus who is worshipped as the son of God and who, they believe, controls human destiny. Christian beliefs vary widely however, all have a strict set of doctrines and focus on the next life perceiving this life as a time for penitence, prayer and preparation for the hereafter.

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